
Culture Core:Enterprise, Market, Society.

Company Philosophy:We are running the career, not only the enterprise.

Enterprise Tenet:Treat people with integrity to gain trust; Be strict with oneself and lenient towards others.

Core Value:Baoye advocate that the interests of customers, employees and partners shall be combined to form a community of interests. The reasonable return must be rewarded to those who dedicated themselves to the development of the company. The value-added target for HR should take priority over that for financial capital. The entire value of the company is co-created by the labor, knowledge, managers and capital. The combination of distribution according to work and distribution according to capital shall be adopted as the mode of distribution. The end elimination system should be implemented: only with the elimination of incompetent staff, the entire organization can be activated.

永泰县| 雷波县| 睢宁县| 伊春市| 额敏县| 周口市| 左权县| 大厂| 丽水市| 内乡县| 南华县| 延边| 长治县| 二连浩特市| 吉首市| 江永县| 凌云县| 新龙县| 防城港市| 确山县| 明溪县| 珲春市| 吴江市| 玉田县| 贡觉县| 陆丰市| 高淳县| 班玛县| 十堰市| 时尚| 徐州市| 星座| 滁州市| 射洪县| 尼勒克县| 光泽县| 潜江市| 桃源县| 襄樊市| 云和县| 灵石县|